Teamwork in Action during our Grade 5-Global Perspective Lesson!
Ready Steady Go Kids: Fun-Filled Fitness & Sports for Preschoolers
SBIS Nursery Learners Celebrate Pink and Purple Day with a Special Birthday Party!
Christmas Celebration 2024!
Grade 1 & 2 Field Trip to Fresh Signature Supermarket!
Grade 5 Global Connections: Virtual Student Exchange Program!
Field Trip to SuperMarket!
Sparkling Smiles & Big Dreams: Children’s Day Celebration
Lights, Laughter, and Diwali: The Ultimate House Competition
Eye Checkup!
Deep Utsav 2024!
Spanish Day Celebration!
Navratri Celebration: Pre-Primary Festivities
Senior KG Field Trip: Mumbai Darshan Adventures!
CPGIS Next Gen Industry Skills Internship Program Launch!
SBIS Transformed into a Bustling Mini-Airport !
My Delightful Moment 2024!
Quest 2024!
Title- Hindi Diwas Celebration!
Workshop-Cold perceptions- How The Mind Shapes Pain
Rakhi Celebration 2024-25!
Independence Day celebration !
Springbud's Wild Side: Dress Up Day Highlights!
CPGIS Oshiwara Hosts Dr. Akash Raut for Educational Insights!
A Levels Field Trip to Sea Linkers, Rabale.
Bastille Day 2024!
Guest Lecture- Cyber Bullying!
Pre-Primary- Peek into my Class- To truly understand what children learn at school, let's become children again.
Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
Graduation Day 2023-24
My Delightful Moment 2023-24
Grade 6- Tea Prty
Educational visit to the C.S.I.R - National Institute of Oceanography
Exploring the Tech Hub: A Field Trip for IBDP Computer Science Students to Grey Matrix IT solutions
Primary Field trip- Maharashtra Nature Park
Spanish Field trip ( Kala Ghoda Art Festival )
Republic Day 2024
Our Own Community Helpers
Middle School Culmination
Annual Sports Meet 2023-24
Joy Of Giving
IGCSE Subject Selection orientation
International Volunteers Day
Making virus model
World Mental Health Day
Primary Academic Culmination!
Pre-School Spooky Halloween Celebration
Navratri Celebration 2023-24
Stuart Little Party
Farm Buddies
Happy Janmashtami
Rakhi Celebration
University Visit - Massey University
khopoli Field Trip
Guest Lecture by (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar - Founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Professor
University Fair for our IB & A Level Learners
My Delightful Moment
Navratri Celebration
Launchpad Program on Entrepreneurial Development
Spanish Food Fiesta
Independence Day - The Students of CP Goenka International School wrote letters to our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in order to share their vision for India in 2050.